Welcome to my web site!


As you will notice, there is not so much to look for at the moment. Here is just a short description of what you can browse currently.

As usual, no warranty is made for you to find anything interesting or useful. Use at your own risk.




the page you are looking at now. If you click on my picture on the left you can browse my photo album.



a short list of some things I managed to get right over the last few years. It includes boring stuff like:

  • anagraphical data
  • educational background
  • some info about past and present professional activities.



currently contains some info about my main project as a software developer.



contains info about my current appointment as a teacher of Choral Activities at the "Tartini" Conservatory of Music in Trieste. From there, students attending my lessons can access a password protected area which reports supposedly important news regarding my teaching classes, timetables, and other related resources.


